Hosting a Creation Care group, the church recognises its responsibility to address the environmental challenges as our sacred responsibility. We started with an environmental audit of the church, to "get our own house in order".
The creation care action is now three-fold:
1. Liturgy and Worship: Creation features in our prayers, hymns and sermons, and liturgical calendar, incorporating a lenten Carbon Fast, and the Season of Creation.
2. Lifestyle Choices: the congregation are encouraged to examine the impact of their lifestyle on creation, and make changes. This includes giving time for environmental activities like biodiversity explorations on Rondebosch Common and monthly Friends of the Liesbeeck Trash Bashes. We also host an annual Sustainable Supper and encourage a Meat-free Monday (or more) where we consider the ecological impact of our food choices.
3. Link to Broader Campaigns: It is important for the church to support national and international campaigns, and to get involved in action on international environmental days, such as Earth Hour (26 March 2022), Work Environment Day (5 June); Arbor Week (early September), etc. The Creation Care group introduces the congregation to local actions. We also keep abreast with the COP negotiations and the shift to renewable energies.
Please join our working group at its quarterly meetings.
Further resources:
Friends of the Rondebosch Common