ways of giving
We rely on your giving.
Very simple steps are required to participate in one or more of the ways of giving mentioned below, each of which directly supports the work we have outlined. Please do bless yourself, your neighbour and our church by sharing in these important works.
Pledged Giving Plan
The Pledged Giving Plan is our church’s financial foundation. We construct our annual budget on the basis of this pledged income. All pledges are numerically coded to ensure confidentiality, whether paid by EFT or by cash or cheque in pledge envelopes. Whenever needed, changed circumstances are accommodated by changed pledges. This voluntary self-assessed planned giving underpins all our church ministries, and all members are requested to participate appropriately to their circumstances.
Rondebosch United Church
First National Bank
Branch Rondebosch
Branch No: 201 509
Account No: 501 715 56 119
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Collections at Services
Weekly and special collections at services assist greatly in meeting service, church and ministry expenses. Contributions can be by cheque or cash, either loose or in a sealed envelope. Intermittent times of good fortune can also be shared in this way with those in need and with our church ministries.
RUC Samaritan Partners Fund Association
RUC’s registered welfare vehicle is the Samaritan Partners Fund Association. It is concerned with humanitarian crisis alleviation. Over the last 20 years, it has received and distributed many hundreds of thousands of rands to those in crisis and severe need, including: Mbekweni Soup Kitchen; Friends of Child Protection; Homestead’s Early Intervention Centre (for street children); Loaves and Fishes (shelter); Peninsula School Feeding Scheme; Cape Mental Health Society; Jabulani Rural Health Society; Salvation Army winder relief; Vista Nova School (for children living with disabilities); Ons Plek (shelter for female street children) and many others.
Contributions come from present, past and emigrated members, their families and friends, as well as from fund-raising within church communities, public benefit organisations and other supportive humanitarian donors, here and overseas.
First National Bank
Gold Business Account
Account Number: 63088640181
Branch Code: 201509
Branch Name: Rondebosch, Cape Town 017
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: ‘SharingBlessing’